GEPROMED is a non-profit association specializing in medical device expertise and research in all medical-surgical disciplines (vascular, ophthalmology, neurosurgery, orthopedics, hand surgery, urology, digestive surgery, gynecology, etc.).

Its track-record of activity and scientific output makes it an internationally recognized actor. Indeed, GEPROMED is unique in that it is positioned at the crossroads between academics (mechanics, textiles, IT and mathematics) and clinicians, giving it a multi-disciplinary dimension. Our aim is to make GEPROMED a key figure in its fields of expertise, which are :

  • Analysis of non-implanted or explanted implantable medical devices,
  • Expertise and testing on behalf of manufacturers, to assess the mechanical performance of medical devices and their constituent materials,
  • Development of innovative projects and clinical studies,
  • Design and implementation of training programs for healthcare professionals. These training programs are part of the risk management approach, as they are essentially based on the use of simulators in a medical-technical environment.

Our structure has been Qualiopi certified under the “training activities” category since 2022.

The structure has its own equipment and specific instrumentation. Our efficient and operational quality system, which complies with ISO 9001 for all our platforms and ISO 13485 for test design and development, enables us to :

  • Develop a corporate positioning and offering that meet the requirements of the parties in our value chain
  • Deliver compliant services
  • Increase and safeguard our skills and resources

This policy is consistent with GEPROMED's strategy and values:

  • Ethics and Humanism
    • Promoting safe healthcare for patients
    • Through risk prevention
  • Independence and transparency
  • Openness and sharing

It includes a commitment to meet requirements and to maintain and continuously improve the efficiency of our Quality Management System which is broken down into target goals and indicators for each process. This policy is communicated to all our staff. It forms part of our in-house training on the Quality Management System. Understanding of the policy is regularly verified by the Quality Manager, during annual performance reviews and during internal audits. Biannual management reviews check that the Quality Policy is constantly up to date, and may set new objectives in line with changes in the environment ( business, technical, regulatory, demands, climate,...).

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